E9X / E8X EKP To Fuel Pump Wiring Harness Installation Instructions
Professional Installation Required
Important Installation Notice:
Installing the terminals in the incorrect position or installing them loosely will result in damage to your fuel pump and EKP module and can cause damage to the wiring harness itself. Please make sure that the terminals are installed in the correct position.
Step1: Access your EKP module and disconnect the black connector that goes from the EKP module to your fuel pump.
Step 2: Remove your rear seat and access the fuel pump cover. Remove the fuel pump cover and disconnect the fuel pump's connector. We also recommend removing the fuel pump sender's connection as well to make the installation easier.
Step 3: De-pin the fuel pump's top hat connector and pull the wires through the fuel pump cover grommet. Completely remove the old EKP to fuel pump wiring harness from your vehicle. We recommend using the following de-pinning tool: https://ctatools.com/products/9812w
Step 4: Feed the wiring harness up through the fuel pump cover grommet as shown below. Be careful not to bend or damage the bare terminals. You may need to use some dielectric grease as a lubricant on the terminals and wires, depending on the condition of your fuel pump cover grommet.
Step 5: Once the harness has been run through the grommet, install the included black EKP connector. The terminals MUST BE INSTALLED IN THE CORRECT POSITION. Reference the picture below for the correct terminal positioning.
Step 6: Secure the harness into the place where the factory harness came out of. If you want to use the factory harness's plastic mounting clip, you'll need to remove it from the factory harness and use electrical tape to install it on the new one.
Step 7: Reconnect the connectors to the top hat and to the EKP module. Once you've verified that the connections are secure, start the vehicle to ensure that everything is running normally as expected.
Step 8: Reassemble everything that you removed to perform the install.